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Cricket Jr Beta
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Auto Snipe
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Sniping exists today because a computer says when the auction is over, not an auctioneer.

Ebay could do away with Sniping tomorrow and you still will bid at the end of the auction to save money.

It was this simple little program that spawned the Ebay Snipe program revolution. You get this program!

January 1998 brings the introduction of the First Ebay Snipe Program. It was an answer to a real Sniper problem. How do you set up, monitor then execute a Snipe using Ebay's bid form? Just as it was then it still is today... a real mess. Back then, most Snipers manually synched theirr computer clock with Ebay then used a stop watch or clock to convert their local time to Pacific Time. (Ebay Time) Finally they loaded up two browser windows to perform the double browser window juggling act by constantly switching back and forth between browsers from the Task Bar (Windows). A lot ot times because their heart was pumping Snipe adrenalin, it was easy to lose a Snipe over what is called the "Browser Fumble!"

Original Auto Snipe

Auto Snipe

Cricket Jr  Original Auto Snipe Version

Above is a screen shot of the first Auto Snipe tool to hit Ebay. Auto Snipe was introduced in March 1998 and continues to be a simple but effective means to Snipe an auction while the user's computer is unattended. It's not as fancy as the Power Sniper (shown on page 4) but it does the job!

Sharp Shooter

Sharp Shooter

First Snipe Program  - Sharp Shooter Technique

Above is a screen shot of the Sharp Shooter screen. With a Command Center atmosphere, it is still a very popular manual Snipe method today!


Included with the original Cricket Jr are a few more fun original Snipe techniques!

  • Doubles - The traditional two browser method but the Sniper uses only one browser!

  • Never Say Die - This technique allows a Sniper to have a back up Snipe bid at the ready. With only seconds left to go in the auction, many Snipers have won the auction when going up against another Sniper simply because they a had a couple of more dollars waiting in the wings!

  • Cat 'n Mouse - This isn't really a Snipe technique but rather a bid testing method. Using Cat 'n Mouse the Sniper is obviously the Cat while the current high bidder is the mouse. Using Cat 'n Mouse a Sniper can throw out some bids to test how high the current bidder has gone with their current bid. Suppose the Sniper believes that an item is worth only X dollars and the desire level for the item is so-so. Maybe it isn't worth their time to come back later and Snipe the auction. When a Sniper plays Cat 'n Mouse, they send out little Bid Bumps. If the Sniper ends at their max, then the Sniper knows the other bidder is willing to pay more than they are from the get go. However, if the Sniper takes over as high bidder, they set their Snipe up later to Defend their position with the remainder of the budget. It does not happen very often in the world of Snipers but sometimes bids are placed in the middle of an auction with planned purpose!

  • Thunder Snipe - Thunder Snipe is a Snipe technique that allows a Sniper to send out several Snipe Bids within a 10 second span of time. Using this technique requires that the Sniper has nerves of steal and a strong heart!

Cricket Jr Achievements

Blue Ribbon
  • First Ebay Snipe Tool.
  • Multiple advanced Snipe techniques.
  • Full featured Web Site Announcements Page
  • Full featured Support page.
March 1998 Blue Ribbon
  • Cricket Jr introduces Auto Snipe.
  • The Safest Auto Snipe offered.
Blue Ribbon
  • The first Sniper's calculator.
  • No more guessing!
Blue Ribbon
  • Online Password Upgrade Download Page.
  • Introduced Sniper Talk!
  • Live Tech Support for our Newest Computer Users

Blue Ribbon

  • Free Win95/98 Downloadable Companion Program! CricketCalc


What Cometh Now?

Things have changed on the Snipe battle field! And with this change comes the most advanced Snipe program on the planet, Cricket Jr Power Sniper. When you bid on this auction you get free membership in an exclusive club of Snipers. You get the Pro Version Beta.

Hello Power Sniper!

Power Sniper Splash Screen

Note: All Betas have an expiration date. This insures you always have the updated version.

Read unsolicited testimonials from customers that have dealt with me!


Move on to see the Power Sniper!


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© 1997-99 Eccles Enterprises